I'm embarrassed that it's been over a month since my last post, but sometimes life has a way of interfering with fun.
The past couple of months have just been insane with work, transportation and health woes, kid troubles, etc. I started a new job that has been kicking my butt -- going to work before daylight and coming home after dark, with barely enough time to eat, shower, lay out my clothes for the next and start the process all over again. I've been averaging about 3-4 hrs sleep a night, so I'm pretty tired when I get home and not much into posting. I have been reading your blogs, though, just haven't had much energy for commenting.
Anyhoodles, in the midst of all this, my daughter came home one day announcing that we now have a new addition to the family: Kali--a 13-yr old, asthmatic, arthritic Shih Tzu with about four crooked teeth.
How could I turn her away? We're soul mates.
My condolences on your current struggles. I hate going for long periods of time without enough sleep. So exhausting and I just don't have the energy for anything.
The dog is kinda cute though. Good luck with everything.
Some reason, Kali looks like an old British lady to me!
Andx for the rest of it, well, this too shall pass...
My mom had many shih tzus in that condition (over time, anyway.) Regardless, they're wonderful little pets. Very sweet & friendly. Enjoy. :)
Hang in there with the work thing. I understand the going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark - did that for about 2 years.
Glad to see you posting again, Kate. My sympathies on the hectic life-pace (been there, done that...). I hope things slow down for you soon (in a good way). Love the picture of Kali--she reminds me of Sam, a stray part-Shih Tzu I acquired years ago. He was the best dog I ever had. I still miss him.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
And Kali is a sweet little dog. I guess I'll keep her. :)
Happy New Year! Starting the new year with a new pet has to be a good thing, right?
Happy New Year, kate s.
I have "stolen" your picture of Kali, the waddling Shih Tsu.
She is just too cute, crooked teeth and all.
Thanks, Sidney. As far as starting the new year with a pet being a good thing...jury's still out. :)
Happy New Year to you, too, Ivan. You're welcome to the photo. Heck, if you'd like to steal the real Kali, just let me know. ;)
What a cutie! Sorry about all the problems. I wish all good things for you in 2008. May it be your best year yet!
Thanks, Edie. You know I wish the same for you. :)
Awww, how cute! I hope you get some rest and sleep soon!
And I hope 2008 is a fabulous year for you. Happy New Year, Kate!
Thanks, Natasha. I wish the same for you.
Your comment on Charles' post got me thinking -- why not do a scifi Jane Austen?!
Happy new Year!!
LOL, Steve. Hey, if Bollywood can produce "Bride and Prejudice" surely I can create a futuristic version. Maybe Charles will even loan me a corner of Talera to set it in. ;)
Happy New Year! Sounds like you're up to your neck. Hopefully things will quiet down and you can get some sleep. Functioning without it is not good for anyone.
She looks a bit of a character :)
Thanks, Anon. :)
Miladysa, she IS a character.
Very nice addition to the family--crooked teeth and all.
Get some sleep.
Awwww. We inherited a poodle about a month and a half ago. I wuuuv her. Animals are a lot like kids and can take over our time just as surely.
Awwwwww! adorable!
She's simply beautiful, Kate.
I'm sending great thoughts your way, honey.
AVERY, I'm trying, but now the darn dog won't sleep anywhere but with me and she has nightmares and barks in her sleep. I keep having to wake her up at night, then she crawls, shivering, to lay on top of me.
SQT! Good to see you. Yes, they are almost as much work as kids.
SAM GIRL - Thanks for stopping by. :)
SUSAN! You're alive! Glad to see you again - been worried about you. Hope you're ok.
I hope your present life circumstances will get easier soon.
It's clear that you are raising a compassionate child by setting a fine example. Kali is named for a goddess and will surely bring good things to your household.
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